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Complaints and Disputes

1. Purpose of the Regulation

This Regulation aims to establish and regulate the procedures through which members (“Members”) of Blast Angels Europe SAS (“Akka”) can submit their complaints and/or appeals to Akka regarding the services provided, in accordance with Article 7 of Regulation (EU) 2020/1503.

2. Customer Service Department

The complaints and appeals covered by this Regulation will be managed and resolved by the customer service department (the “Customer Service”), which will be entrusted to an individual appointed by Akka.

The head of the Customer Service must be a person of commercial and professional integrity, with adequate knowledge and experience to perform their duties.

A person is considered to possess commercial and professional integrity if they have demonstrated personal conduct that respects commercial laws or other laws regulating economic activity and business life, as well as good commercial and financial practices.

3. Initiation of the Procedure: Submission of Complaints or Appeals

The procedure will commence upon the submission of a complaint and/or appeal to the email address, provided it is always possible to read, print, and store it, along with any attached documents. The complaint form is available at this link.

The complaint/appeal must be submitted in English.

All complaints and appeals will be free of charge for the member.

4. Deadline for Submitting Complaints or Appeals

Clients will have a period of six months to submit their complaints or appeals, starting from the date the client became aware of the facts that caused the complaint or appeal.

Clients must submit the complaint or appeal only once, without the need to repeat it to different bodies of Akka.

Any complaint or appeal received by the Customer Service beyond the deadline established in the previous paragraph will not be admitted, and this will be communicated to the member via email.

5. Admissibility

Upon receiving the complaint or appeal, the Customer Service will proceed to open a file. Written confirmation will be given within 7 days of receiving the form, indicating the date of submission for calculating the maximum resolution period.

If the identity of the interested party is not sufficiently verified or it is not possible to clearly establish the facts of the complaint or appeal, the signatory will be requested to complete the submitted documentation, warning that otherwise, the complaint or appeal will be filed without further formalities. The period used by the interested party to correct the errors mentioned in this paragraph will not be included in the calculation of the one-month term.

6. Inadmissibility

The admissibility of complaints and appeals may be rejected only in the following cases:

  • When essential data for processing is missing and not corrected, including cases where the reason for the complaint or appeal is not specified.
  • When attempting to process as a complaint or appeal resources or actions whose competence belongs to administrative, arbitral, or judicial bodies, or if the same is pending resolution or dispute or the matter has already been resolved in such forums.
  • When the facts, reasons, and request on which the issues of the complaint or appeal are based do not refer to specific operations.
  • When complaints or appeals are presented that reiterate previous ones already resolved, submitted by the same member.
  • When the deadline for submitting complaints and appeals established in Article 4 has expired.
  • The facts are time-barred according to applicable law.
  • When it is known that a complaint or appeal and an administrative, arbitral, or judicial procedure on the same matter are being processed simultaneously.

When the complaint or appeal is deemed inadmissible for one of the indicated reasons, this will be communicated to the interested party through a reasoned decision, granting a period of ten calendar days to present their observations, after which a definitive decision will be made to admit or not the complaint or appeal.

7. Acceptance and Withdrawal

If, in view of the complaint or appeal, Akka rectifies its position with the interested party to their satisfaction, it must communicate this in writing to the Customer Service. In such case, the complaint or appeal will be filed without further formalities.

Interested parties may withdraw their complaints and appeals at any time.

Withdrawal will result in the immediate conclusion of the procedure regarding the complaint with the interested party.

8. Processing and Resolution

Once the complaint or appeal is admitted, the Customer Service Department must resolve it within a period of 1 month from its receipt, through a reasoned decision that must contain clear and precise conclusions on the submitted complaint or appeal.

The resolution will be communicated to the Client, via email unless otherwise requested by the Member in paper format, within the period of 1 month from the receipt of the complaint.

All complaint and appeal procedures will be fully preserved and will be available to the competent authorities.


Updated version: September 13, 2024